Monday, August 30, 2010


I have definitely been feeling that I have been slipping lately, from stopping tracking food, to skipping an opportunity to walk or swim here or there, and then eating out. All little things individually but when viewed together a very dangerous pattern of behavior, one I know oh so well. Dropping and putting on the same 5 lbs without any real progress. But at the same time, not gaining overall. What gets me is that I a performing the same repertoire every time I try to lose weight and we all know how it ends, the scales numbers back up where they started. So what can I do differently. Well for starters get my ass back tracking food. then actually start planing meals. Then I need to increase my activity level. All sounds pretty easy right. Yeah well we will just see about that. The only thing stopping me is.....well me.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Feeling optimistic

Wow, one good weigh in and your whole outlook becomes brighter. I definitely feel more upbeat today about myself and this herculean task known as weight loss. I had noticed a minor loosening of my clothing. I am still a size 28 but maybe I am actually a 28 now, where before I was a size 3o squeezing in to size 28 pants. Had a really nice swim tonight I did 20 laps freestyle, 10 laps breast stroke, and 8 laps with the kick board. Now I think the pool is 25 m long so that would be 950 m swim, not too shabby. It is also nice that some of the regulars at the pool recognize me now, enough to say Hi and Bye. Plan to hit the pool again this weekend, and maybe do a really nice long walk on Sunday. Still really need to work on the eating I am finding that I do a lot of mindless eating and wandering in the kitchen for a snack, repeatedly.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Weigh in

Down 4 lbs! Creeping closer to being under 350. Can't wait, I will do it this week.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

a narrow escape

I was friggin lucky this week, I stayed the same. A very miraculous turn of the scales, I fully deserved to put on a few pounds (reference waffles, sausage, home fries, a box of lucky charms, cheese, cookies, ice cream). It probably wasn't as bad as it sounded, but I had a four day weekend in which I shot normal meals out the window and ended up eating whenever the hell I wanted or remembered. Yeah even I will forget to eat. And that is a big no no!

We had a good meeting today (not a WW meeting a non profit weight loss support group)where we had a dietitian speak, she went over a lot of stuff and answered questions. She gave the lecture with such enthusiasm and knowledge of the subject matter, and even though a lot was basics about food groups etc, it is always great to get a refresher course. She also made things a bit easier for some of the older members to understand, talking about poly, mono unsaturated fats etc.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

As expected

The Brunch triggered a 2 day calorie ingesting downward spiral. Now on the good side I didn't eat everything on my plate, there was just too much food, but it screwed up my meals for the rest of the day. And then I had Monday off for the civic holiday and I slept in late and screwed up all my meals etc. So I am not really looking forward to weigh in tomorrow.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Stressing out over eating out

I'm going out for brunch tommorow, okay actually today since I am still up at this really late hour. I can't believe how much I am stressing about eating out. It is just one meal but I don't want to go becuase the calorie count is going to be horrendous unless I just eat 2 bites. I just know what it is going to be like, staring at the menu trying to pick the lesser evil....literally. As it is my choices are limited since I am such a picky eater, I don't like most of the items on most menus, and am usually stuck with either, pancakes, waffles or a basket of chicken fingers. Except for the concert last weekend where I only ate one slice of pizza and some popcorn, this is the first time I have been out for a meal at a resturant since I restarted.

I wish that I could have a relationship with food where it just came naturally instead of viewing it as my enemy, every bite guilt ridden or calorie laden and waist increasing.