Thursday, May 20, 2010

Why I am going to be successful this summer

1) LOST will be over and I will now will be able to leave my apartment between the hours of 9 and 10 pm.
2) All those other TV's shows I am unwholesomly addicted to will be over for the season.
3) It is warm out and I will actually go outside.
4)I am ready to live life, not just watch it
5) 4 months with no upcoming birthdays, celebrations, family events, major holidays to throw me off my game, 4 months to work on good habits so I can get through the not so easy months.
6)I am sick and tired of busting out of my clothes.
7)I am sick of having sore joints because of all the extra weight on them.
8) small workable goals. One pound at a time. Can't look at the big picture, I don't want to discourage myself with how big the task is.
9)Support. In any form I can get it. From my weight loss group, online, family.
10) Education. I think I know everything on weight loss (uh yeah right, emphasis on THINK) so I am going to read up on nutrition etc.

So these are the 10 reasons I am going to be successful this Summer.

Success, Success, Success........I can do it, I can do it, I can do it.

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