Saturday, September 25, 2010

Reluctant Biggest Loser Viewer

When I first say previews for the Biggest Loser, ten seasons ago. I was horrified, what a horrible exploitation of obese people, who have enough pain to deal with on a daily basis without being publicly humiliated on television in front of millions of people. I thought how already how many fat jokes, fat suit skits were already on air and now you were making a reality show based on a disease. Hell except for sober house (which I despise) your never going to see a bunch of meth addicts trying to beat their addiction in a race for a quarter million dollars. Or at least I hope to never see that.

So I vowed not to watch, refused. And didn't for the first season. But I got pulled in the second season when when flipping channels I saw a contestant interview and of course what they were saying was what I was living and found myself watching. I had gone from thinking it was the worst concept on earth, to wishing I was on it. But you know I could never go on a t.v. show like that, I am a very private person (despite the blog) and discuss this very personal issue with only a few people, I couldn't imagine having every weigh in in a bra and shorts on TV. Seriously is the whole half naked weigh in thing necessary? You know that is totally for the sideshow factor.

I continue to watch off and on. I watch for the feeling of inspiration, and of hope that I could one day be healthier, thinner, more active but I also watch with a critical eye. I know that the contestants only job is to exercise and all they do all day hence the double digit losses. And they have a support team behind them, and many previous contestants have gained the weight back (like we all have time and again) and I do feel there is some exploitation involved and I question the safety at times. Pushing these people too far inducing injury, but they signed up for it. Because in desperation we all want to change our lives and will go to any lengths to do so whether we do it at home, surgically alter our bodies, write a blog, or become a contestant on a reality show.

So in the end, I guess I am not so much a fan, as a follower. I try to get some education out of the show, some inspiration, some perspective. Because even though I am not a contestant, each contestant is me.

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