Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Trying new things

I have been on some kind of diet/weight loss effort since I was 4. At some point I probably have tried it all, groups, weight loss programs, trying it myself etc etc, but I have never written a blog . In my Internet wanderings I have come across several successful weight loss bloggers that I am a fan of. They are my "thinspiration" so to speak (yes I know I am using one of those popular slang terms) So I am hoping that by publicly airing this stuff (currently anonymously- with time comes courage!) and with absolutely no audience (LOL) I hope to keep my will power and my goals on track.

So lets define my problem, no I am not some skinny chick who imagines a muffin top in my size 0 jeans. I am 5'7 350 lb woman. Thats puts me into a size 28, or 4 XL clothing. I am vain, so yes part of this desire to lose weight is about looking good, but it is mostly about a desire to get healthy and stop watching life pass me by while I sit on the sidelines cause I can't fit my ass into the ride. So enough for tonight, its going to be a long journey so I need to keep some material for later use!

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