Saturday, February 7, 2009

Two birthdays and a Funeral

It would have been so much more appropriate If I could have done four weddings and funeral, but hey Hugh Grant will surely forgive me.

That was basically my first week on the weight loss "job". The birthdays were of co-workers, which of course meant the obligatory cake time. As I work at a very small office EVERYTHING gets noticed. The first was a blueberry pie, which I am not really a fan off so I begged off eating it, though the pressure to do so was pretty big as well as the teasing as why i didn't do so pretty intense (one day I will explain), The second I had a very small piece and only ate about 5 bites because it was so rich and heavy, so no one commented when most of it went in the garbage.

The funeral was a surprise (as almost all funerals are) but I managed pretty well, It was so crowded and since we were only acquaintances, we payed our respects and skipped on the food.
During one of the eulogies that was given about the deceased one part stuck with me
"Miss me but do not mourn for me for I have lived a full life, I have traveled many places, had great experiences, and have no regrets"

I think that is something to strive for, to live a rich and full life. I am working on it.

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