Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Body image, and further perspectives given from the Biggest Loser

Body image. Boy is that ever a loaded topic. I know I am fat. Morbidly Obese. I get that. But most of the time I just have to live my life, without thinking every second of the day about what I look like. I consider that healthy, I have other things to pay attention too. But when I do look in the mirror I try to make a frank assessment. No I am not attractive this way, and while occasionally I let that get the better of me and get down in the dumps about how my body looks (usually occurs during a stressful occasion such as getting dressed up for an event and looking like shit yet again) if I didn't put that aside and get over it I wouldn't leave the house.

So I take a look at myself in the mirror and inspect what I look like, but sometimes it doesn't sink in just how large I am.

I was watching the newest season of the Biggest loser, and it is the worst part (If I was in the contestants shoes.) the part where they weigh you in in front of all the people you know for all the world to see. And I am guessing their weights before they step on the scale. and this older Guy gets up there and takes off his shirt and gets weighed, and I think to myself, I bet he weighs gosh 410-420, he is a really big man, and he weighs in at 350 lbs.....my exact weight. Do I look like that! I ran to my mirror and started to asses, yes I am obese, but I don't think I look that big! Then another women gets weighed in and I think, yeah were probably the same weight and she ends up a good 70 lbs lighter then me.

So even accounting for differences in body shape, I obviously have a skewed body image since I can't even guesstimate which contestants are close to me in weight.

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