Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Down another pound

348 lbs. I have to say I am did pretty well this week, though I snacked a bit too much and I was so tired that I missed to swim sessions, cause I decided sleep was what I really needed. I don't regret it at all, those 8 solid hours of sleep did me a world of good.

My goal this week is to eat my vegetables. I love veggies, and dislike fruit, I know most people are probably the other way around, but I am weird and I know it. I went grocery shopping and bought cauliflower, celery, peppers and sugar snap peas, and my goal is to eat them all and not let them languish in the fridge until they become a mushy mess and a waste of good money. So tonight I cut them all up and put individual servings into baggies, for easy access.

Oh and I want to hit 345 for next week, I know 3 lbs is asking for a lot.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Vegetables are the doorway to a whole new world. I used to only get them as lettuce/tomato on a burger or as pico de gallo in tacos. Essentially they were condiments. Now? They are the base food group for my diet.

Good for you for making the effort and having a realistic plan for making sure you follow through. It is the baby steps that lead us to running.