Thursday, March 10, 2011

Some things you just don't need to see.....

I hate the entire wall, floor to ceiling mirror that the Gym or excuse me "fitness center" has positioned right in front of the cardio machines. So as I am huffing and puffing I get to stare at myself and see exactly what my body looks like when moving. It is already hard enough to get up the courage to go into the gym when you are morbidly obese, and get on the machines next to the very pretty skinny young 19 year old who has never had a weight problem in her life, but what has always helped is for me to stop thinking what I look like, think to myself "screw em" and just get down to business. That is hard to do when you get watch your thighs rubbing together in real time.

Now this isn't my regular gym, it is one of the ones that happen to be on my way home from work, so I thought I would pop in and give it a try, since I have access to all the ones in this particular chain in the province. Now I can understand having the mirror near the weights, where people may need to check their form, make sure they are positioned right etc. But in front of the cardio machines. Come on!

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