Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I have been pretty quiet on here for the last few weeks, I just haven't had anything to share. Or at least I thought I didn't have anything to share. No new goals have been met, I have been continuing to struggle to get out of the 320's, I have been up and down, up and down the same 5 lbs for 5 weeks now. And somehow instead of realizing that I have some stuff that needs to be addressed and worked out, and have been just shrugging my shoulders thinking, "now why is the weight just not coming off?" Gosh I wonder why.

I haven't logged my food for 5 weeks now.
I have been shoveling food in my mouth randomly like it is going out of style.
Peanut butter while very delicious is not calorie free (sadly)

And there is just some of my many sins.

Some of it is emotional eating, I have been very stressed at work the last 6 weeks or so (some could argue the last 6 months). And then rather suddenly out of the blue some feelings regarding an issue in my life came out to bite me in the butt, stuff I thought I had finally let go (guess again!!!). So emotionally I have been a bit ragged.

Then there is the fatigue of weight loss, you put all this time, energy, thought and effort in for months at a time and suddenly you are just so tired of it all, even though you are starting to see results.

I am also realizing that I get to this point every time, I lose 50 lbs and then I start to put it back on again, and I am really really trying hard not to let that happen. I have come so far.......but there is still so far to go.

But instead of facing all of this and maybe trying to work it out by writing, I have been silent. And for me that is never good.

Back down to 323 56 lbs down.

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