Sunday, June 6, 2010

Dieter's amnesia

You know how everyone says that after a long hard labour and delivery once a women holds her baby she will forget all the pain?

I'm not talking from experience here since I don't have kids, but I have been thinking about how after many diets, many weight loss attempts I tend to forget what a pain and hard work the whole eat less, exercise more , lose weight thing is! I spend the first few weeks of my recommitment to weight loss in this kind of optimistic daze where I think to myself "oh gosh, I will just eat less then 2000 cal a day and exercise 1/2 hr a day and the weight will just MELT off". Then I start to fantasize about how in a few months I will have to buy some new clothes, and how maybe I will feel good looking for once.

But then reality sets in. This isn't easy. Eating 2000 cals a day isn't as easy when you have previously been eating probably twice that. Exercising 1/2 hour a day is hard when you work a 10 hour day on your feet and you are exhausted. Doing any sort of exercise is pretty darn hard when you have basically been a couch potato and are so out of shape just walking can be daunting much less anything more intensive. And we're not talking a few months here, it's gonna take YEARS.....if I don't give up as I have done in the past. Repeatedly.

So I guess Weight loss is a bit like labour. Your going to sweat, there is going to be pain, lots of emotion, lots of panting, no one EVER wants to see any kind of video of the process but the payoff at the end is going to be worth it.

But unlike labour hopefully if successful you will not forget all that effort, just so you won't have to do it all over again.

Damn I wish there was a weight loss equivalent to an epidural!

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