Thursday, July 8, 2010

Job Stress

I love my career. I am just not that big of a fan of my job right now. Every day has been one big stress fest after another, some minor crisis, a staffing issue, complaint, broken equipment, and somehow it seems that i am heaped with the responsibility of fixing it but not because I am management ( I'm not!) but because of staff turnover after only a few years I am one of the senior employees. There are some really good points about my job that I like: I get along really great with my supervisor and (most) of the co-workers on my shift, I have a pretty great schedule (though 10 hour days are pretty tiring), and I am given the opportunity to try a lot of things I might not get to do at another place. I just don't know how to fix the situation. In this economy I am not just going to get rid of a job! But I find that I spend a large part of the day feeling very negative overall, and I don't like that I am becoming very cynical and negative person. I'm sure that it can't be helping my weight loss. Life is stress, so I feel like I should just deal with it but I just would like some more control at my job and they maybe I could get more control in other aspects of my life.

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