Wednesday, August 4, 2010

a narrow escape

I was friggin lucky this week, I stayed the same. A very miraculous turn of the scales, I fully deserved to put on a few pounds (reference waffles, sausage, home fries, a box of lucky charms, cheese, cookies, ice cream). It probably wasn't as bad as it sounded, but I had a four day weekend in which I shot normal meals out the window and ended up eating whenever the hell I wanted or remembered. Yeah even I will forget to eat. And that is a big no no!

We had a good meeting today (not a WW meeting a non profit weight loss support group)where we had a dietitian speak, she went over a lot of stuff and answered questions. She gave the lecture with such enthusiasm and knowledge of the subject matter, and even though a lot was basics about food groups etc, it is always great to get a refresher course. She also made things a bit easier for some of the older members to understand, talking about poly, mono unsaturated fats etc.

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