Monday, June 15, 2009

Day 38, 39 and 40

a three for one post

It was a busy weekend. I worked all day Saturday and then went to a BBQ slash poker tournament all night. Then I was so exhausted on Sunday, I only managed to go on a 3 km walk in the morning and then lay on my bed for most of the day and only dragged myself out because I had no food in the house. It is really a bad idea to not have food in the house when you are trying to lose weight. You just end up making do with something easy and not so good for you.

But anyways

Day 38
1333 cal, 47.8 g fat

Day 39
1539 cal, 46.2 fat

Day 40
1245 cal, 24.5 fat

On a positive not I stayed away from all the chips at the party, even though they kept being passed in front of my face! I did have 3 chocolate covered pretzels which came to a whole 45 cal. So They were worth it, I love chocolate covered pretzels.

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