Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Despite my best behavior

I had an awesome week. I tracked my food every day, remained in calorie range and I hit the gym three times and took a long walk/hike as well. I drank water like it was going out of style. I felt positive, looking towards my goal I could do this, I can do this. However my mind is like training a puppy, you need to reward the good behavior if you want them to keep doing something, and the scale did not reward me this week! I so badly want to be under 300! when I walk into the kitchen I say to myself "under 300" when I am on the elliptical "under 300", when I am just doing nothing my mind is thinking "under 300, under 300, under 300" and the number on the scale dared to move up! I was a good girl this week, on my best behavior and I want my reward!

But never fear, I will not let this get me down. The good behavior will continue, and next week the scale shall reward me or it is going out Jack sh*t style. Hear that scale?

Back up to 320

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