Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The out of sight out of mind principal

Well that sounds like a completely easy concept, why didn't I do that before? *smacks self on forehead* Yep, this one doesn't really need to be explained, I took all the boxes of cereal, bread, rice cakes etc off the top of the fridge and counter top and put them in a cupboard! Out of sight. Amazingly the effect was that when I walked into the kitchen I didn't randomly put my hand in a box of cereal and mindlessly eat 120 calories.

I didn't even do this deliberately, I was just tidying up and though it looked too crowded so i put the stuff in the cupboard. It wasn't until a few days later when I opened that cupboard to look for something I was like "hey, I forgot about you guys!" So now I am going to try the reverse concept: in sight, in mind. So all the veggies have been cut up and are now occupying a shelf in the fridge (not in the crisper, that's where they will become sad shadows of their former selves, like child stars) that I see first thing when I open the fridge. Sometimes the most simple concepts are the ones that take you awhile to grasp.

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