Wednesday, June 1, 2011

60 lbs is nothing to sneeze at

I was reflecting on how I have been on track for a year. Finally a long period of time where I have been working in a positive direction. A few weeks earlier I had been calculating that if I had lost 2 lbs a week every week, I should have lost 104 lbs in that year, and I had only lost 60. Well If I could have shook myself silly I would have. It is 60 lbs less then last year, a year ago I believed that another failure was around the corner. That any minute another weight loss effort would be down the drain and I would gain whatever I had lost plus pack on more. It was a valid fear, it is not the first time that that scenario has occurred. But I managed to keep going one day at a time, and I am still doing that. So yes last year I only lost 60 lbs, but I gained so much more; I began to believe in myself, something that had gone missing for a long long time.

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