Thursday, June 2, 2011

Down 2 lbs

I should have been ecstatic when I lost two lbs last night, but I wasn't. I wanted it too be more, I feel like it should have been more. Now I know that 2 lbs a week is a healthy weight to lose, but when I had gained the week before I felt that I should have lost that number as well to catch up. I still am being so on track and still feel like I am not getting the payoff yet. I need to take a breath and look at the long term picture. This is a marathon, I need to pace myself, I am still in the beginning miles and the finish line isn't just suddenly going to show up. Not only that I did have one bad night this week food wise that could have factored it as well.

Down to 318

1 comment:

x said...

It is an endurance event weight loss... thats exactly how I address my endurance races..slow and steady with trust in the process and doing the right stuff.

60 lbs is awesome.