Sunday, June 19, 2011

very very very bad eating day

Well it all started off on the wrong food with breakfast, I didn't know what I wanted, and I didn't feel like cooking anything so I lingered in the kitchen and started popping anything in reach in my mouth. And this continued on all day. But nothing was satisfying me, I just wasn't eating what I wanted, but i didn't know what I wanted. ugggh! I think there are a few reasons why I had a bad eating day, I ended up working overtime saturday which just added to the overtime I racked up this week so I was exhausted today, I didn't even hit the gym or make any effort to preform anything but the most necessary functions. Also there was some emotional eating component involved.

But on a positive note, I could have just ignored my less then stellar behavior and skip tracking but instead I tracked it all, not until the end of the day (maybe if I had done it sooner I would have stopped, but I doubt it!) and the total wasn't pretty, but at least it was honest.

Tomorrow is a new day, I cannot erase the calories I consumed today, but I can control the ones tomorrow. One off day is not a disaster. Oh and I will be leaving work on time and get my butt to the gym tomorrow night.

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