Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Had a great week, hopefully it will show on the scale

My weigh in day also happens to fall on my day off of work. I don't know if it is the fact that my schedule is different on Wednesdays, since I get to sleep in etc, I always find that on my day off I tend to retain water, I can't get my rings off easily, which doesn't bode well for the scale. But if I had a weight loss, I should still be down water weight, or no water weight.

But I did have a good week. I exercised, my calories were in or close to the upper range. I generally feel really good about my progress. My snacking was reigned in and rice cakes did sneak back in the house but they remained uneaten. And I am proud that I managed to pass by the banana marshmallows twice without buying them. I cannot have them in the house, it is way to easy to justify to myself that it is okay to have just one more. I swear my brain recognizes sugar like a drug.

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