Sunday, February 13, 2011

I just love a sale

You can't go wrong when pretty much the only above average clothing store around (on this side of the border) has a 70% off sale. I had just thought to myself the other day that I wouldn't be purchasing any clothes till spring, and give myself some time to drop down some more weight. But then I got that email so I had to go. I really wanted to go on Friday but didn't make it till today. So I'm sure a lot of the really good stuff went already but what was really awesome was not only did I end up getting a pair of jeans for $10, they fit, and they were a size 26! They are a bit tight, but they did up with out any fancy sucking in, lying down, or praying! I did try on other pants size 26 and they fit too, but I didn't really need any dress pants so they stayed at the store. It was so nice to leave the store knowing that one day maybe in the distant future I will be able to shop in regular stores. The previous day I spent several hours out shopping with my friend, however we didn't go into any stores that had clothes above a XL, which was a bit disappointing, I mean you get to look at all these great clothes, but wonder if you will ever be able to fit into them.

But today I revel in my victory, I am now in a smaller pant size then last may when I restarted this journey.

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