Friday, November 21, 2008

Current weight

Hey its that time of the week again, have an exhausting day at work, head home, pick up dog, eat dinner, sit on couch, get weighed, write blog posr. It seems funny but I think getting weighed at the end of the day works for me, that way if I gain weight I won't be brooding about it all day.

Anyways that is not the case this week, it's not much but I lost 1 pound. At least it is down trend, I really need to start adding some exercise to things but currently I have too many excuses to name. Also I lapsed on the calorie recording, but I am back to it first thing. Also I picked up some ice cream that was on sale this week, its some of that fat free stuff which is absolutely horrible for you, tons of chemicals, but it was on Sale, seriously it is never that cheap, its not like I have eaten the whole container, I am proud to say I haven't even eaten a third of it yet.

Current weight: 365.5 lbs.

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