Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I spent a large part of my weekend cooking. You would think that this would be counter productive to losing weight, but I didn't eat the food I just cooked it.

I get home from work each night about 7 pm and I want to eat Immediately! Or as close to immediately as possible, so I don't really want to wait another 30-45 mins preparing a meal. So far I have found the best solution to doing this is to pre cook my food and freeze it. Also I package anyl the leftovers from a regular meal for later as well, and I don't have to do dishes each night which I totally love (sort of feeding into my lazy nature, which is totally unrelated to being fat!) So I have a ton of chicken, chicken pot pie, mashed potatoes, grilled potatoes with rosemary and garlic, turnip, turkey soup, pasta with hot italain sausage just waiting in my tiny little freezer. This way I am less likely to snack in desperation as I am waiting for my dinner, and my portions are more controlled. My only mistake was making a whole try of homeade rice krispies thinking I would be saving money on not buying the individual wrapped store bought snacks, however in the end I just ended up costing myself calories. mummmmm they were good. Oh well no regrets.

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