Monday, November 10, 2008

The wagon

Well I decided to start off this weight loss effort more slowly. I don't want to overwhelm myself. In the past I have gone all gun ho from the start and at 150 % effort and enthusiasm which I just can't keep up with in the long term. I will fall off the wagon from time to time, that is inevitable, but what I really want is to be able to get back up on it. In the past I will fall off the wagon HARD, and the jar from the fall will cause me to stay off the wagon for weeks, and I will keep telling myself that I will start back tomorrow, or the next day, or the next month, and before I know it I have been the wagon is so far up the trail I am left in the dust (okay too much imagery??) and I have lost all the ground I had gained. I feel so disgusted about myself for allowing myself for falling off in the first place, and also for allowing myself to get in this condition. So I have started off slowly. I want to learn to drive this wagon and stay on (again with the imagery, I just can't seem to stop.)

So week one, I was just trying to get back into control. I was eating portions (maybe slightly bigger then normal portions) but with enough control that I wasn't feeling all that hungry. I also was tracking my food intake, and caloric intake. But that was the extent of my juggling act (don't want to start off with too many balls flying in the air). This week I will try to incoporate some exercise, not alot at first, but just get my feet wet.

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