Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Weigh in Wednesday

338.8 lets just say 339, I much prefer round numbers and drum roll please ..............40 lbs down!

So I lost an little bit this week to get me to the 40 lb mark and that reflects not only the party I attended Saturday night but the Halloween candy I indulged in (which by the was was a whole 4 items, that is way way better then any other year). However Halloween did make me think quite a bit about Christmas and knowing the food disaster that that brings, starting approx mid to late Nov and continuing to Jan.

I live in fear of the food gifts coming into work from clients, and there is no place to escape or hide the items because we are such a small workplace the staff room is also the kitchen, lab, office, storage room......etc. I need to lay some ground rules for myself and maybe a plan for Nov and Dec.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Here's a rule...

don't look
don't touch
don't eat

My workplace is the worst. There are 30 days of treats coming up where we take a day and bring one treat in for everyone to share. It is like an unofficial who can gain the most weight over the holidays challenge.

Congratulations on getting rid of 40 lbs. That is huge! :)