Friday, October 15, 2010

Being Discreet

I keep mentioning being discreet about logging my food, and I figured I would explain that. I mentioned compartmentalizing my life in a previous post, how I don't talk about weight loss to certain people. How even though I have a blog that I write all this down in I don't talk about these issues with people I know, save a few. I don't like questions to be asked that may lead to a discussion about my obesity. I am really private about that stuff. I also think that is partly due to a fear of failure. If no one knows I am trying then they don't know when I have failed.

My mom is not like that, when she is on a weight loss kick, she will tell anyone and everyone about how many days she has eaten salads, how far she has walked, how much she has lost. She is proud of herself, and she is also the type to self promote and feels more comfortable in the limelight and attention. I don't even like to mention if I made the honor roll or got a raise, I guess I let my mom do my bragging for me and since she is my mom she loves to brag (don't all mums?).

But It does drive me a little crazy when she tells people about what she is doing to lose weight, especially when I am sitting right there. I always think that whoever she is talking to is thinking; "Hey what about your daughter, look at her, is she doing anything to lose all that weight?" Okay maybe they are not, but it is how I feel.

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