Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Weigh in

Down 1 lb. Total of 36 lbs down.

I am feeling pretty good these days. Really enjoying the outdoors while I still can before the weather turns sour, and hitting the pool regularly. My clothes are fitting looser now but not too bad yet.

I had my first comment. The lady at the desk of the rec center saw me come in on Saturday and she said "ahh you've lost weight!" I just said thank you. I think she remembers me cause her first day working there was the day I came in and bought my yearly pass. I don't really see any difference yet when I look at myself in the mirror, 36 lbs is just a start when you need to lose 199 (wow, my god 199 lbs #%&*).

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Other people always notice before you do. It took a year for me to really notice that I was changing and only after seeing a picture of myself. You might try taking monthly progress pictures.

I'm right there with you. I am losing 200 even. You CAN do this - one pound at a time. Keep it up!