Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Thank God it`s Tuesday

I worked this Saturday (an especially crappy work day to, boy when it gets bad, it gets horrid!) So I missed swimming and Sunday I was basically recovering from Saturday even though my dog and I went for a hour long walk. Monday was especially hectic not only at work but after having to perform my civic duty and rush to the voting station to put my ballot in for the municipal election. So I hadn`t been in the pool since last Thursday. I have to say that it was the best 45 mins I have had all week. My hip was bothering me all day at work, lower back too, but as soon as I slipped into the water that pain eased up. I did my laps with no problem. It felt really good to be weightless, and to just concentrate on swimming. I was almost sad to get out of the water, and unfortunately the hip pain returned. I may have to finally suck it up and go to the Doctors and get it checked out, but I think as I lose weight it will improve. It could just be a pinched nerve.

Tomorrow, I enter where no weight loss blogger should go.....the buffet. It`s mums B-day and that is where she has chosen to go instead of us cooking a big dinner mid week. I am not going to deny myself anything, but I am not going to stuff myself either. I will have a bit of this and that, and enjoy it. I no longer want to associate food with feelings of guilt. I chose to eat it, I will not feel bad about it.

Tomorrow is also weigh in day.....Hoping for a two pound loss, I think i have worked it off.

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