Sunday, May 10, 2009

Day four

1980 Cal, 44.6 g of fat

I have noticed my cal and fats have been creeping up slowly, but are still in range. I think it is better to be on the upper end of my calorie range, Its not healthy to starve it off. And this is something I am trying to do for life long, not short term.

Went for a 45 min walk with my dog this afternoon down by the water front, it was sunny but wow was the wind whipping off the water! burrrr. I am so glad it is spring, it is so nice to not be cooped up indoors.

So that burned about 380 calories

For some reason, not eating all the time actually leaves me a lot of extra time, I am just not sure what to do with it yet. I think I was just at a loss this weekend, I didn't know what to do with myself.

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