Sunday, May 3, 2009

Trying to figure out what to do.....

So I obviously have not been that successful, with all my half assed attempts here. My determination lasts about as long as a New York minute, and before you know it I am shoveling food hand over fist into my mouth again, and then I am avoiding even thinking about anything weight related. So I have been weighing over my options trying to figure out what to do. Obviously lose weight (ha if only it were so easy!) but how to do it. I don't think I can do it on my own, I think I need more support, or at least more accountability. I thought the blog would do it for me, but so far I find it way to easy to just dissapear from for a couple of months before I come crawling back with my tail between my legs. Another option is to join a local not for profit weight loss organization that I have belonged to before. But I have also quit it before, it is not a be all and end all solution, while I think the other ladies are very nice, I don't really know how much help they can offer me. In the end it is me who has to still have the determination and resolution to do it. On the plus side, it is very financial feasible, since in this economy and my small paycheck can not afford much else.
Oh well I will continue to ponder my options.....

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