Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Walking on a Sunny Sunday afternoon

BDW (Best dog in the world) and I went for a nice long walk on Sunday. It was beautiful out, despite the rain all week, the trail was dry. Also it was sunny but not too hot, actually at times the breeze almost made it too cool. Here in Canada it was a long weekend, the unofficial start of summer, so there were a lot of people on the trails enjoying the good weather.

BDW raring to go

the trail I was on borders and goes up the escarpment

I love the scenery, Makes you forget you are burning calories

hard to believe I wasn't in the middle of the woods, but was actually surrounded by the city, here is the overlook of the lower city

Our walk took 1 hour and 40 mins, and was a whole 6 km! I had thought I would go only half way but I was feeling so good, we just kept going down the entire trail, and back again. My one heel was really sore the next morning but it was totally worth it.

P.S. I am totally loving google maps with the satellite images right now, even though it feels a little "Big Brother" to be able to zoom right down to my apartment building...

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